The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce

The Reincarnation of Edgar CayceThe Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce, By White Feather. Country Western singer/songwriter Sarah Benson had not written a song in over a year. Blocked creatively, her life was on a downward spiral. But then she began having a recurring dream. The dream was always the same and it always filled her with incredible joy. Desperate to change her life, Sarah embarked on an adventure; a quest to find what was in her dream while also breaking through her writer's block. Her adventure took her to a small Colorado Rocky Mountain town that is eerily identical to Salida. Her adventure also takes her through the full gamut of emotions as she ping-ponged between joy and despair. Nothing turned out the way Sarah thought it would. This new spiritual adventure novel will keep you at the edge of your seat, surprise you, make you laugh, and make you cry. It's a powerful page-turner. Oh, and there is also the part about Edgar Cayce....  429 pages. (Author White Feather is a former Salida resident.)

Trade Paperback Edition (15.99USD)
Amazon Kindle Edition (7.99USD)
All Books By White Feather
This book is also available in Salida at: All Booked Up, The Bookhaven, and New Age Imports. In Buena Vista at: Sunflower Books. In Canon City at: Cheryl's Book Nook.