Lightbulbs and Lynx

Colorado News

Click on headline for full article
Conservationists Sue For Lynx Protection in New Mexico
"ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — A coalition of conservation and animal protection groups on Monday sued the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to force it to extend federal protection to Canada lynx in New Mexico. 'Once lynx cross from Colorado into New Mexico — which they have been doing — they're suddenly not protected anymore.'"
Recycling Program Begun in Colorado For Light Bulbs, Thermostats
"Xcel Energy Inc. and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment on Monday unveiled a recycling program for compact fluorescent light bulbs and thermostats containing mercury. The light bulbs and thermostats can be dropped off at any Ace Hardware location in Colorado. The retailer has 104 locations in the state. Although the light bulbs use less energy, the drawback is they contain small amounts of mercury. The recycling program is for individuals only, not for businesses."
Now there's some good news for Earth Day. What do you think of the lynx reintroduction to Colorado? What do you think of those compact flourescent light bulbs? Click on the 'comments' link below to share your opinions.

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