Biotech, Renewable Energy, Income, and Snow

Colorado News

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Colorado's Per Capita Income Highest in Pitkin County
"Per capita personal income in Colorado ranges from a low of $16,859 in Crowley County to a high of $86,122 in Pitkin County, according to data released Thursday by the federal Bureau of Economic Analysis."
Eighteen Renewable Energy Bills Moving Through Colorado Legislature
"DENVER – Colorado energy czar Tom Plant is keeping a close watch on the last of at least 18 bills related to developing Colorado’s renewable energy resources that are still moving though the legislative process as this year’s General Assembly nears an end."
Colorado Governor Signs Biotech Incentive Bill
"Colorado reached for its wallet to encourage biotech businesses in a move to match past rhetoric. Governor Bill Ritter has made meaningful economic development measures a cornerstone of his administration."
Eight Colorado Resorts Set Snow Records
"Among Ski Country’s 26 members, record snowfall was recorded at Beaver Creek (430 inches), Crested Butte (422 inches), Monarch Mountain (482 inches), Powderhorn (320 inches), Silverton (550 inches), Snowmass (450 inches), Steamboat (489 inches) and Telluride (353 inches)."

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