Stage Left Theatre Company is pleased to begin their 2008 season this weekend with “Lysistrata,” the classical Greek comedy by Aristophanes. First performed in 411 B.C., this racy romp has Peace as its subject, and how a treaty might be achieved by groups of women banding together. If they agree to shun their men-folk, and can manage to seize control of the treasury, perhaps they can take matters of war and peace into their own capable hands. After 2500 years, this play still has relevance and humor today. Stage Left will present a modernized version of the play.
Directed by the team of Shelley Jacobs and Greg West, this production has a cast of 15 players. Some will be recognized by frequent theatre-goers, and some are new to the Salida stage. Shows will be Friday and Saturday evening at 7:30pm and a Sunday matinee will be at 2:30pm. Adult tickets are $10, senior's and children's tickets are $8. Tickets are available at the Salida Chamber of Commerce, Bongo Billy's, and at the door. The play contains mature themes. This is hilarious and timely entertainment for adults. You won't want to miss this show.
For this year's show schedules visit
Directed by the team of Shelley Jacobs and Greg West, this production has a cast of 15 players. Some will be recognized by frequent theatre-goers, and some are new to the Salida stage. Shows will be Friday and Saturday evening at 7:30pm and a Sunday matinee will be at 2:30pm. Adult tickets are $10, senior's and children's tickets are $8. Tickets are available at the Salida Chamber of Commerce, Bongo Billy's, and at the door. The play contains mature themes. This is hilarious and timely entertainment for adults. You won't want to miss this show.
For this year's show schedules visit